DAVIDSON, NC – A new venture being launched this spring taps into the growing interest in the faith, food and health intersect. FaithFoodHealth is the destination for news and content offering coverage including agriculture, food and food justice, nutrition, wellness, gardening, seasonality, sustainability and stewardship of God’s creation.

Davidson, North Carolina, resident Leah Chester-Davis, a marketing communications professional and educator is the publisher of FaithFoodHealth. Currently, FaithFoodHealth consists of a website, blog and monthly e-newsletter.

“The goal is to provide educational materials for churches and other faith-based organizations to share with members,” said Chester-Davis. “The project was borne of a deep personal interest in encouraging people to have a richer, fuller life by being more mindful of what they put into their bodies. And it extends much further. It’s heartening to see the numerous efforts around the country of individuals, churches and other organizations that are involved in local foods efforts, community gardens, food justice and caring for creation. FaithFoodHealth is designed to provide news and information and to add to the important dialogue.”

Chester-Davis has nearly 30 years experience in working to improve the lives of others through higher education outreach programs. Most recently she was with N.C. State University where she founded and coordinated a statewide horticultural program known as Extension’s Successful Gardener (now Extension Gardener) and a local foods program known as The Produce Lady, among other efforts.

FaithFoodHealth will share news and information on what individuals, churches and other organizations are doing in the local foods and creation care realm. It will also provide gardening, food and wellness information, along with helpful resources. Readers are encouraged to share success stories as well as provide ideas on people in their community that deserve recognition for work in this arena.

Visit www.www.faithfoodhealth.com to sign up for the monthly e-newsletter and also connect through the blog, Facebook and Twitter.