Many people think they need a plot of ground to grow a garden. Sure, that may be the ideal but you can garden in pots on a patio or an apartment balcony. Even if you have a lot of space, if your time is limited you may want to try containers.

Herbs and other plants in containers dry out quickly. Keep them watered and they will thrive.
Herbs can be grown in containers as small as 1- to 3-gallons in size. Vegetables, such as green onions, radishes, chard, lettuce, peppers and dwarf tomatoes can be grown in as small as a 3-gallon container. Lettuce and other salad greens don’t require a deep pot, 4 to 6 inches will do. For other plants you will need from 8 to 12 inches of soil so their root systems can develop.
For your planting medium, mix compost and potting mix. Adjust fertilizer as needed for the size of your container. Keep in mind that containers can dry out quickly so plan to water frequently.
Most gardeners get their gardens started in mid-April to early May, but it’s not too late to add some basil or other herbs for enjoyment now, and a tomato plant or two, or other favorite vegetable, for harvest later in the summer.